Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Our Christmas Tree

So this is the first year that Matt has really been old enough to help decorate the tree. He was super excited about it so after work one day Theo came home and put up the tree and then when i got home i let Matt decorate it. He really didn't understand the concept of decorating the whole tree and since he is not that tall most of the ornaments ended up at the bottom of the tree and all on top of each other.
I tried moving some of them but decided I didn't want to put in the effort so i left most of them like they were. Matt didn't seem to mind at all. Here is our finished Christmas tree.
He also wasn't so sure what to do with the stocking. He thought maybe he should wear it on his foot. He is really excited and can't wait for Christmas and for Santa to come and bring him some presents.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Christmas List

So the week before last at school they made Christmas lists for the kids. Since most of the kids can't write themselves, the teachers asked them what they wanted and then they wrote it down. So here is matt's list

He would like a skateboard, chicken, TV and racecar. Not really sure why he wants a chicken or even what kind but i am sure that is one gift he will not be getting.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Halloween 2009

So this year Halloween fell on a Saturday, which is great cause we didn't have to worry about getting up early the next day. Matt had spent Friday night with his mama so I went over there to get him ready.

Up until about two weeks before Halloween Matt wanted to be Mickey Mouse. Of course i couldn't find a Mickey Mouse customer anywhere. Well we went to the resale shop and they had a couple of costumes. Matt found a spider that was just his size so he decided that is what he wanted to be for Halloween.

His costume was just a body suit that you put on so we put on some black pants and black shoes to make the costume complete. I painted his face black and then drew a spider web on each cheek. This year like every other year we decided to go trick or treating with my brother. My cousin Amanda and her boys also decided to join us.

Matt and his cousins Aaron (Ninja - Right), Jeremiah (Ninja - Left), and Julius (hulk)

Matt and his other cousins Mikayla (cowgirl), Micah (spiderman), and Madison (Minnie Mouse)

The whole group ready for Trick or Treating

We went around my brother's neighborhood and all the kids got a ton of candy. Mama Mary and Papa even came out and trick or treated with us.

We all had a great time.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Matthew's 4th Birthday

So it has been forever since i last blogged. Sorry. I used to do it on the computer at work but we made some changes and that computer is no longer available. Anyways I finally got my computer hooked up to the wifi at work so i will try and start blogging again. At least once a week. So anyways, last saturday, oct 24. my baby boy turned 4. it seems like such a long time since he was born and such a tiny baby. He went and had his developmental checkup and they said he is doing fine. Verbally he is at a 4 year old level and cognitively he is just above a 4 year old level. Other than being a little hyper he is fine. This year we decided to keep our tradition of celebrating Matt's birthday at the park. He really loves to be outdoors and with a large family it is just too hectic to try and have it indoors. Thankfully the weather held up great. So this year matt is finally old enough to decide what kind of birthday he wanted. After changing his mind a few times he finally decided on Spiderman. He also wanted a bounce house and thanks to his uncle scott and aunt helen we were able to get one for him. The kids has tons of fun bouncing in the bounce house, swinging and running around. they also enjoyed the two pinatas he had. Thanks Amanda and Mama Linda for the extra one. And everyone enjoyed the cake and cupcakes. Matt got tons of gifts and had a great time. Thanks to everyone for making his 4th birthday special.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Little Swimmer

So i have said it a hundred times before i know but matt loves the water. I think he would live in the water if I would let him. Matt has been in the water since he was 6 or 7 months old and has always loved it. he is not afraid at all and loves to jump in and play. This worries me a little bit since he doesn't exactly know how to swim without floaties. With floaties he could swim for hours but without he just sinks to the bottom. Anyways the point to this whole story is that i decided this year to enroll matt in swim lessons. He is finally old enough to take the lessons by himself and i think he is old enough to understand and mostly listen. The class was two weeks long and one hour each day Mon - Thurs. He did get in trouble a few times for not listening and putting his head in the water when he wasn't supposed to. His class ended last thursday and he passed the American Red Cross Level 1 swim class. He really enjoyed the classes. This weekend we decided to go to Helen's house to go swimming and just hang out. I was so suprised when we put him in the pool to practice what he learned and he started swimming. Now he isn't very graceful and can not go very far but he did well enough. I am so proud of my little swimmer. I will publish some pictures from his class later. I forgot them at home. Here are some from Sunday at Helen's house

Matt's "Baby Cousin Bella"

So a few weeks ago my best friend gave birth to a little girl. It is really difficult to explain best friends to a 3 year old so for the sake of simplicity we have always called my friend tia Roxy. So naturally her baby is matt's "baby cousin." He just adores her and loves looking at her and trying to talk to her. This past weekend they decided to come over and visit. They came over Saturday and spent the night with us. We all really enjoyed them especially Matt although i think towards the end of the day he was kinda in baby envy mode although he never acted out.

Matt and Isabella - he has such a huge kool-aid grin

Matt wearing Isabella's bib

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend 2009

This past weekend was Memorial Day weekend and we celebrated by going to the lake with my dad. I took Friday off so I could have an extended holiday. I spent most of the day visiting with Roxy, who just gave birth to her first child. Theo and I went down to the lake on friday night. My brothers and their kids joined us down there on Saturday afternoon. We went out on our boat, which has been broken down for the past year or so. I don't know but it feels like forever. it was running pretty good and we went out fishing and we also went swimming. We also took the kids riding on the dune buggy my dad has. The kids all had a ton of fun. I had a good time even though despite my efforts I was unable to catch any fish :( Oh well hopefully next time. With summer coming up we will be spending tons of time at the lake and fishing.